
Greek Sailing Odyssey Day 11: Ikaria - Samos by Honza Cervenka

As per usual, we went for a second walk around Kalomeria in the morning.  I found a post office, posted a whole bunch of postcards that I had written so far and then we bought some groceries.  Our meals so far have been very simple--Maurizio is a vegetarian and only eats fresh ingredients--none of the canned stuff!  So our shopping consisted of spaghetti, fresh tomatoes--you haven't eaten tomatoes until you've eaten fresh Greek tomatoes--and garlic.  Mix it with some olive oil and you've got a lunch!  

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Greek Sailing Odyssey Day 10: Ikaria by Honza Cervenka

Today we woke up quite late, but then again we didn't get to sleep until quite late last night.  After a light breakfast and a quick swim in the bay, we headed out--we had more schlepping to do!  The destination was Kalomeria, a town on the north-east coast of the island.  The sea was calm and the sail went by fast, but then again there were three of us to share the load, so one figures! 

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Greek Sailing Odyssey Day 9: Mykonos - Delos - Ikaria by Honza Cervenka

So this was quite eventful!  My dad and I woke up early, at around 7:40, in order to catch the first ferry ferry to Delos (cost €17 return).  Now why do people with a sailboat need a ferry to get to an island?  Because the authorities decided to declare Delos a no-mooring zone, probably due to the fact that the entire island is basically an archeological site--it used to be a mighty island! Legend has it that Leto, a titaness and a mistress to Zeus, was pregnant with Apollo and Artemis, but Herq, Zeus's wife, cursed Leto and said that she could give birth nowhere on Earth. Leto prayed to Zeus, who intervened and requested Poseidon to anchor Delos, which used to be a wandering underwater island, with chains and bring it above the water. Finally, Leto was able to birth Artemis and Apollo, the God of Sun.  And sun there was!  There was only one tree on the whole island--a tree where, according to same legend, the anointed birth happened.

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