
Greek Sailing Odyssey Day 5: Euboea - Andros by Honza Cervenka

I woke up at 8:30, had breakfast and then went into town with Maurizio.  We did our usual grocery run, but this time added a fresh tuna fish from a local fishmonger.  I also finally found a post office, bought 5 prepaid envelopes and 5 separate stamps for postcards; I decided to embark on a postcard-writing marathon.  Once we left Euboea, we set sail to Andros and hit a pretty strong northern wind against us straight away. Maurizio cooked the fish for lunch simply: in olive oil and lemon--chefs worldwide note: it was totally delicious.  We travelled through the Doro Channel (aka Kafierus Strait) for most of the afternoon.  

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Greek Sailing Odyssey Day 4: Cape Sounio - Euboea by Honza Cervenka

I woke up at 8:20 and the ship happened to be turned in such a way that I saw the beautiful Poseidon Temple right outside my little cabin window--what a way to start the day!  We had a quick breakfast and then Maurizio went for a swim; I decided to read a book instead.  After years and years of reading just academic texts (no complaints), I wanted to brush up on books that people actually want to read, so I loaded up my iPad with a great battery of choices.  I started with "Catch-22."

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